A Travellerspoint blog


Gulf of Morbihan

--I moved on from Quimper by train to Vannes , taking about one hour..---CITY OF VANNES,  FRANCE. - 2  star  Hotel  Anne  of  Bretagne.  for  one  night.

CITY OF VANNES, FRANCE. - 2 star Hotel Anne of Bretagne. for one night.

CITY  OF  VANNES, --Rail  station. in Avenue  Favel et  Lincy/    --  TGV  and  TER --- Line  Savenay  to  Landerneau.

CITY OF VANNES, --Rail station. in Avenue Favel et Lincy/ -- TGV and TER --- Line Savenay to Landerneau.

-- The theme of my latest blogs seems to
be lovely ,half timbered buildings, so no surprise to see the city of Vannes France
also. --- I stayed one night at the hotel Anne de Bretange. -- Vannes is a lovely place to walk round.--- Features include ,church of Saint Patern, cathedral of Saint Pierre, the Ramparts, and Marina. -- i took a hour long Toy Tourist train, which gave me a good idea of Vannes.-- Hope my picture show. VANNES,  FRANCE --   Rue  Fontaine.

VANNES, FRANCE -- Rue Fontaine.

VANNES,  FRANCE,  -- Rue Saint Patern.

VANNES, FRANCE, -- Rue Saint Patern.



VANNES,  FRANCE.  -- Church  of  Saint-Patern in Rue de  la  Fontaine,  up  steps  to enter.

VANNES, FRANCE. -- Church of Saint-Patern in Rue de la Fontaine, up steps to enter.

VANNES,  FRANCE.  --  Tower of Saint-Patern R.C.  church.

VANNES, FRANCE. -- Tower of Saint-Patern R.C. church.

VANNES,  FRANCE,  --  Rue Saint  Patern.

VANNES, FRANCE, -- Rue Saint Patern.

VANNES,  FRANCE  --  Place du  General  du  Gaulle.

VANNES, FRANCE -- Place du General du Gaulle.

VANNES,  FRANCE,  -  Palace  of  General  Charles de Gaulle.

VANNES, FRANCE, - Palace of General Charles de Gaulle.

VANNES,  FRANCE  --  Ramparts.

VANNES, FRANCE -- Ramparts.

VANNES, FRANCE.  --  First view  of  cathedral near  ramparts.

VANNES, FRANCE. -- First view of cathedral near ramparts.

VANNES,  FRANCE. --  Joilette  Tower.

VANNES, FRANCE. -- Joilette Tower.

VANNES,  FRANCE  --  Ramparts and  gardens,

VANNES, FRANCE -- Ramparts and gardens,

VANNES,  FRANCE.  Ramparts  wall  and lovely  gardens.

VANNES, FRANCE. Ramparts wall and lovely gardens.

VANNES,  FRANCE.  --Ramparts  to  left, Vieux Lavoirs  to  right.

VANNES, FRANCE. --Ramparts to left, Vieux Lavoirs to right.

VANNES,  FRANCE.  -- Vieux Lavoirs,  old  washing  place   [Clothing [

VANNES, FRANCE. -- Vieux Lavoirs, old washing place [Clothing [

VANNES,  FRANCE,  --  Chateau L' I Hermine with  small  river Le Marie and  public  gardens.

VANNES, FRANCE, -- Chateau L' I Hermine with small river Le Marie and public gardens.

VANNES,  FRANCE.,  Little  archway  into  city.

VANNES, FRANCE., Little archway into city.

VANNES,  FRANCE,  --  Place  de  Republique.

VANNES, FRANCE, -- Place de Republique.

VANNES,  FRANCE, -- Porte  Saint=Vincent.

VANNES, FRANCE, -- Porte Saint=Vincent.

VANNES,  FRANCE.   End  of  Marina.--Flows  out  to  Gulf  of  Morbihan

VANNES, FRANCE. End of Marina.--Flows out to Gulf of Morbihan

VANNES,  FRANCE.  --Looking  towards  Place  Gambetta.

VANNES, FRANCE. --Looking towards Place Gambetta.

VANNES,  FRANCE, =--Marina, is  a  tidal  dock.kept at  constant level.

VANNES, FRANCE, =--Marina, is a tidal dock.kept at constant level.

VANNES,  FRANCE,  --  Name  of  Quay.

VANNES, FRANCE, -- Name of Quay.

VANNES,  FRANCE.  - Capitanerie Labitend, restaurant  and  pub, overlooking  marina in  Rue  Commerce..  i  had  a  nice  meal  and  drink  here.

VANNES, FRANCE. - Capitanerie Labitend, restaurant and pub, overlooking marina in Rue Commerce.. i had a nice meal and drink here.

VANNES,  FRANCE.  --Tree lined  Marina.

VANNES, FRANCE. --Tree lined Marina.

VANNES,  FRANCE.  --  Place  Gambetta.

VANNES, FRANCE. -- Place Gambetta.

CITY  OF  VANNES,  FRANCE,  --  Tourist  train.

CITY OF VANNES, FRANCE, -- Tourist train.

CITY  OF  VANNES  FRANCE,  Tourist  train,  great  for  taking  photos,  no glass  windows.

CITY OF VANNES FRANCE, Tourist train, great for taking photos, no glass windows.

CITY  OF  VANNES,  FRANCE.  ==Chateau  i' Hermine. Rue Poterme .--Ancient  Palace, was residence  of  Dukes  of  Brittany  14th to 16th  century..

CITY OF VANNES, FRANCE. ==Chateau i' Hermine. Rue Poterme .--Ancient Palace, was residence of Dukes of Brittany 14th to 16th century..

VANNES,  FRANCE,  -- Brittany  in  French.

VANNES, FRANCE, -- Brittany in French.

VANNES,  FRANCE,--  Bar  la  Kastel in Rue Porte  Potterne in  2015.  -- Demolition in  2018.

VANNES, FRANCE,-- Bar la Kastel in Rue Porte Potterne in 2015. -- Demolition in 2018.

VANNES,  FRANCE.  --  Wood carving of Vannes  and  his  wife, on  the  corner  of  Rue Noe  and  Rue Pierre  Rogue.,  from  16th century.

VANNES, FRANCE. -- Wood carving of Vannes and his wife, on the corner of Rue Noe and Rue Pierre Rogue., from 16th century.

CITY  OF  VANNES,  FRANCE,  --  Cathedral  of  Saint -Pierre, [ Peter

CITY OF VANNES, FRANCE, -- Cathedral of Saint -Pierre, [ Peter

. In Rue des Channes.]VANNES,FRANCE. --Near  cathedral.

VANNES,FRANCE. --Near cathedral.

VANNES  ,  FRANCE,--  Cathedral  Nave.

VANNES , FRANCE,-- Cathedral Nave.

VANNES,  FRANCE.  --  Cathedral of  Saint Peter.

VANNES, FRANCE. -- Cathedral of Saint Peter.

VANNES  ,  FRANCE,--Place Heri  1V

VANNES , FRANCE,--Place Heri 1V

VANNES,  FRANCE.  --  Wood  carving  around  shop  front.

VANNES, FRANCE. -- Wood carving around shop front.

VANNES,  FRANCE,  --  Medieval  streets.

VANNES, FRANCE, -- Medieval streets.

VANNES,  FRANCE  --Medieval  centre.

VANNES, FRANCE --Medieval centre.

VANNES,  FRANCE.==  Rue  du Mene.

VANNES, FRANCE.== Rue du Mene.

CITY  OF  VANNES,  FRANCE. --  Cathedral doorway.

CITY OF VANNES, FRANCE. -- Cathedral doorway.

VANNES  FRANCE. --  Gateway  in  city  Ramparts.

VANNES FRANCE. -- Gateway in city Ramparts.

Posted by alectrevor 15:21 Comments (1)

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